Lillie Excellence Center - Serving The Humanity



Midwifery is defined as “Skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate care for childbearing women, newborn infants and families across the continuum from pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the early weeks of life.” The evidence shows us that midwifery plays a “vital” role, and when provided by educated, trained, regulated, licensed midwives, is associated with improved quality of care and rapid and sustained reductions in maternal and newborn mortality.
All women and newborns have a right to a quality of care that enables a positive childbirth experience that includes respect and dignity, a companion of choice, clear communication by maternity staff, pain relief strategies, mobility in labour and birth position of choice. Midwives are essential to the provision of quality of care, in all settings, globally.

Traveling Midwives

Travel midwives come in all shapes, sizes, and specialties. Technology, along with improved education and health standards, has shifted much of what we understand about the body and medicine. But some professions never really change and truly stand the test of time. The midwife career is one such profession. Traveling midwives are a small minority of the travel midwifery profession but are no less important than any other traveling group.

Midwifery is defined as “skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate care for childbearing women, newborn infants and families across the continuum from pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the early weeks of life” Midwives are healthcare providers who deal with pregnancy, childbirth, newborn care, and postpartum health. Some midwives provide routine reproductive care like pelvic exams, Pap tests, or counselling on birth control. Midwives help you to stay healthy in pregnancy. If no complications arise, midwives are the main professionals who support you during a birth with little intervention.

Although the midwifery profession is often associated with antiquated customs and pre-industrial civilization, they still exist today; and they are thriving! In fact, the midwifery profession has picked up steam in recent times, with even celebrities opting for at-home care over a traditional hospital or OB-GYN setting. Travel midwifery is a unique adventure, and we customize care to each client and their specific circumstances. Our base fee is affordable, but it is always our goal to make midwifery care attainable to anyone who desires it. We at LEC are willing to work with potential clients on a case-to-case basis if this fee is out of reach. We will try to determine a price that makes everyone feel comfortable and respected, while ensuring that all travel, lodging, and necessary expenses are covered. Please do not let price hold you back from reaching out to us!
Prenatal appointments are performed via telehealth methods such as Zoom and WhatsApp. Depending on what resources are available to you in your local community, we may send a prenatal kit that includes items such as a doppler, gel, and blood pressure cuff so that we can provide the highest level of prenatal care possible. Based on your history, we will decide on a time period of roughly 2-4 weeks near your due date when we will come to you. In the rare instance that you go into labor before our midwife is able to arrive, we will decide what method of support you prefer and this is discussed well before your due date. Clients have chosen to go to their closest hospital for delivery, having us support them through their labor and delivery via video calls, or labor unattended and call only if needed. Regardless of the decision that you make, we will continue to make ourselves available to you for support and will still come for postpartum and newborn care and support. Much like everything in birth, flexibility is key! If you're searching for a traveling midwife to support you, your baby, your family, and your birthing choices and decisions, reach out to us and let's talk! We can set up a video call to go to into more detail about the process and what it would look like for your specific situation, as well as answer any questions that you may have.

Traveling Midwives

Travel midwives come in all shapes, sizes, and specialties. Technology, along with improved education and health standards, has shifted much of what we understand about the body and medicine. But some professions never really change and truly stand the test of time. The midwife career is one such profession. Traveling midwives are a small minority of the travel midwifery profession but are no less important than any other traveling group. Although the midwifery profession is often associated with antiquated customs and pre-industrial civilization, they still exist today; and they are thriving! In fact, the midwifery profession has picked up steam in recent times, with even celebrities opting for at-home care over a traditional hospital or OB-GYN setting. According to the Atlantic, the number of mothers opting for midwife care has increased steadily: “In 1989, the first year for which data is available, midwives were the lead care providers at just 3 percent of births in the U.S. In 2013, the most recent year for which statistics are available, that number was close to 9 percent.”

Traveling Where Needed

One of the greatest benefits of being a travel midwife is the ability to provide professional care to those that really need it. Traveling midwives that work with nonprofits or WHO are able to do just that for women anywhere around the world. We offer International Midwifery Services across the globe with our best and experienced midwives.

Traveling Where Needed

One of the greatest benefits of being a travel midwife is the ability to provide professional care to those that really need it. Traveling midwives that work with nonprofits or WHO are able to do just that for women anywhere around the world. We offer International Midwifery Services across the globe with our best and experienced midwives.

International Midwifery Packages:

What you receive:

  • Full antenatal care from 2 weeks.
  • Private blood tests for mum and baby
  • Private scans
  • Birth care at home/hospital
  • Birthing pool provided
  • TENS machine provided
  • 4 weeks postnatal care

We offer the services as follows:

  • Water Birth
  • Physiological Birth
  • Antenatal Care (Pre and postnatal care)
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • International Midwifery services
  • Lactation Counselling
  • Postpartum Care
  • Doula Training & Services
  • Aquanatal – Aquaprac services
  • IUD Services
  • Family Health services
  • SRHR (Sexual and reproductive health and rights)
  • Marriage counselling & family planning.
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